In the beginning the design of something didnt really matter to much, most of my designs were uber simple, usually having one main color only.

Same friggin hair bangs on them all, everyone with baggyish pants xD Not much diffrence. I didnt really think about making them special eyeflakes. AND I remember when I drew them without colors, it was very rare that people could tell them appart xD which pissed me off haha. NOW I can see why, they look nearly identical.

I swear my favourie design to add is TAIL STRIPES. I mean, ever since I started drawing animal designs, OR even some of my humanoids, DEM EFFIN TAILSTRIPEs. Im doomed, I cannot seem to get away from this curse. XD Its crazy...

Random design year xD didnt really think about much other than just drawing down some designs here and there, Mostly gryphons.

This year I actually started to see how people kinda had characters that represented them, I used to have Nicole, shes this crazy hyper orange lion. But she wasnt me, so I wanted to find someone that was me.
This dragon was one of my "personas" at that time xD so was a few other small ones, I struggled hard trying to find something that could represent me, and all the designs I came up with, just didnt hold up >8C so i just ended up making them into characters instead..
eWe I remember being so frustrated... I was never really pleased with them for to long and ended up changing my mind several million times...

Late this year is when I started actually designing characters for people. I did lots of design trades and it really got me practicing with things. I HAVE TO SAY MOST OF THE DESIGNS...ARE FFFFF well very ugly xD atleast to me now... I dont even know how I could like the combos I choose haha... but Iguess what I like and dislike will always change over time, and so is it with others. D8< Not only was it a great practice with designs, but also anatomy because people often wanted creature mixes that I hadnt drawn before! :D
BUT theres always the times when good designs pop up! I still had some hard time though! But it was slightly easier when I did so many diffrent things rather than trying to please myself only. I also started to design LOTS of characters for myself this year aswell D8 AND this is also the year when snuffen was born :'D <3 I had tried so many times to make my mascots design D8< finally pleased! FFFFFFFFFF I still remember the epic feeling <3 I was so proud haha xD

:'D I was so happy and pleased haha....


:D sauce

FFFF Ive never designed so much like Ive done now..
xD And I feel like ive gotten more creative with my designs after doing so many!
:'D you might notice that Ive only choosen designs with tailstripes xD haha because I love them, I love them more than ever now haha...... I should do a group picture of all the characters I have that has tail stripes D8<
Now im babbling randomly! ---- BACK TO TOPIC!
ANYWAY SNuffen Design evolution Time!
Ive drawn snuffen in so many ways, I think the coolest thing I did with her was to like not be afraid to draw her in diffrent and new forms, this really made me develope her more and find things that I liked better, some may like her old design better while some like her new, we all like diffrent things but its important to be happy with the desing yourself :D

Snuffen had lots of weird tiny details in the beginning, like the spots in her face and on her assflanksauce! She also had this super divided white bellychest area xD DONT KNOW WHY
Her hands were socks with two blue stripes while her tail had all kinds of stuff, her wings even had spots xD I guess I felt good adding lots of details for some reason. This however got very tiresome to draw over and over and over, atleast when I wanted to draw her lots!

I did not know that this would make me fall inlove with the simple concept! I did draw a human version of her with the simple two colored arms only, but this is when I realised that I loved it. And like that her white belly got merged, and her legs got the simple two colored brown.
I stopped drawing the facespots and ass spots only after two drawings if I can remember correct xD <3

This is what changed snuffen to what she looks like today, I knew after drawing this, that this is what ive been looking for.
I also wanted to add the crow part back into her more, and changed her wings to be totally black.
8D I still do lots of weird forms for her after this aswell, I just love messing around with her xD
When I did the ultimate snuffen reffrrencesheet, is when I also gave her thumbs on her hind legs!

Now ive totally fallen inlove with her chubby frontlegs <3 I draw them more chubby than I did at first aswell haha xD <3

8D BUT Its fun to have a character for so long seeing how it can change over time. Its been from 2008 til 2012 drawing her over and over, and shes also helped me with many of my other designs by actually putting time and thought into the diffrent color contrasts and so on :'D
I love my snuffensauce!
When it comes to inspiration, I GET inspired by nearly everything, sometimes it can be random objects laying together with their colors looking epic and im all OMFG I NEED to use this one day xD BUT I think taking inspiraton from nature is a great way to start out! base your designs on animals that actually exsist! this way you can get lots of epic results. Try to mix two that has features/colors/markings that actually go together! Just have fun and try out crazy ideas! You can also totally do new random colors or markings for the animals. DRAW DRAW DRAAAW 8D the more you do the better! dont be afraind to make crappy ones, I do this all the time, I just dont save the ones I dont like xD, andjust jump onto something new if you dont like what your working with right then.
When I make up designs, things that also have a say in how choose is Color/form contrasts, This just happens by itself now, I dont have to think to hard to make it work, its not easy in the start but it gets easier the more you use them. I will make another post more about this later!