The most important thing to remember is that All artist gets inspired by other artists. We tend to use things we like in other peoples styles, sometimes you can see them be inspired, other times its nearly impossible to see. Style also varies in what people use to create their art with, and is what ill be covering in this post when it comes to my own :D
My own rule to get better at art is to try out diffrent drawing styles. This is what made me improve very quickly. Its hard to draw realistic if you only draw cartoony, and vice versa. But if you can do lots of diffrent ones, you can use the things you learn in each of them and use them in everything :D
Using lots of diffrent artprograms is smart aswell, because it sometimes denys you the tools you are used to and makes you have to try out new things. Which is a good thing! Dont hate ms paint, use it to practice!
But remember ARTprograms does not make the art for you, the artist does! some programs just seem to make it simpler than others. This varies from person to person. I think flash is supersimple, while others might thing its super hard.
Believe me when I tell you that it will be so much more simpler to tackle challenges when you practice this way.
Lets start~
Acrylic paintings.
The one thing about painting with paint is that you have no friggin layers, and you cant erase your mistakes you can only paint over them. Which is one of the greatest things I transfered to my digital paintings. Im not afraid to do mistakes and I dont have to use lots of layers just because I know I can just paint over it to correct it. This also made me extremely good to mix colors traditionally. I mix all my colors from Black/white, red,blue and yellow when painting. This is a good thing, you dont need to carry around lots of colored paint and you learn what colors are in the colors you use. Its important to see the diffrence between a cold yellow and a warm yellow and a sick yellow and the list goes on. Theres been lots of times when ive mixed paint and been all XD EW look at that disgusting color. When you find colors digitally you usually just choose a yellow, random, even the first yellow you see, and you keep doing this with lots of colors and end up seeing that your colorchoices arent that good, or you dislike them. Sometimes you wont even realise and others will see it as eyebleeding.
A great example of this is see how diffrent artists tend to draw a character in diffrent hues of the color. I often use the shading to strengthen the characters colors , which makes it look so much more blanaced. This is why I color snuffen with pink shadows, because of her very bright red/pink markings.
And dont be afraid to paint on other things than just paper or canvas! You can also learn from trying diffrent kind of textures, because it often leads you to rethink how you use the brushes!
Rock 8D made a cool canvas and artpiece, it can even inspire you and give you ideas to what works out on it.
Smooth rocks are a very simple canvas because they are hard and easy to paint on, but acrylic dries very fast on it. Good practice
Feathers challenges you to be very carefull and steady, its easier with stiffer feathers and more difficult the softer the feather is.

Leather, actually is able to be used if you use acrylics. Fits like glue.
BUT its very challenging to paint on xD but fun nontheless!
Fabric likes to dance and move while you paint D8< The thicker the fabric the better ofcourse, and it makes you have to use very little water.
AND ofcourse size! Never paint in just one size, challenge yourself! you learn so much, this counts for all art mediums, digital and traditional.
Huge paintings bigger than yourself. It gives you great possibilities to add tastey details 8D

Itsybitsytinyness >0< This can learn you how to add things that is important and ignore unecessary details. You can even try to downsize your work to see what parts of the picture you can see and not, the parts you can see is the parts you did good on.
Watercolor/pencil art
For me this part is so much harder than paint.. because I cant correct my mistakes the same way, which means I need to learn how to approach and plan it diffrent, I cant just jump into it like I do with acrylics. Here ive planned the sketch and then drawn it over on new paper
watercolors is my biggest challenge so far of all the artstyles I do. It totally out of my comfortsone which means I will learn so much by continuing doing it.
Dont let anything you feel you arent good at keep you from trying it out. Look at all that as a challenge to be better :D
I cant eally add much light in this style which makes it a challenge aswell xD
Waterpencils was a fun experiment, were you color with pencils and use water to make it into paint kinda. I feel more comfortable using colored pencils as a mix because I feel I have more control.
And never be afraid to look at reffrence, reffrence is good practice, this was a taxidemisauced bird at my school. Its better than a photo, but photos is good for practice.

Colored pencils only.
DIGITALARTSAUCe my comfort sone 8'D
Digital painting/ photoshop
I use the same concept as acrylic painting when I paint digital, but now having the pleasure of layers, transparacy and ctrl+C <3
But its basically the same princip.
I have so much more control with digital paintings than with traditional ones, It doesnt require me mixing the colors and them drying out and it doesnt take more than my tablet as a work place haha
and some chocolate eUe... I like omnom while working..
Digital painting/ Sai
Sai using the watercolor brush gives of a very smooth and soft look, Its hard to make solids with but it provides both a brush and a pen brush which allows you to make more solid strokes.
Great tool and simple to get used to <3
Adobe Flash
MY favourite program when it comes to making lineless art, lineart, cartoony drawings! <33333
It gives you vectorlike art and allows you to paint with a bucket without making any ugly lines. *U* Its fast to use and super easy to shade/add markings by using the pencil. I have a tutorial on how to do that in my dA gallery.
Its also great to animate with <3 but I love drawing my cartoonylineartsauce in it. Its great for me who want to draw lots of things fast haha
--- Over on some diffrent styles~
Pixelart can be created in any program that has solid pixel lines, ms paint is one of them, and photoshop is also one of them.
Pixelart is usually small images with very thought out pixelness. There is some rules to what makes pixelart pixelart xD but im not very good at it. It has to be made with pixelstrokes, no cheating with brushes.
A great challenge is try to use around 15 colors and nothing more. this piece here has only 8 colors if i remember right.
Pixelart made me really have to focus on doing lines and shapes good, and make the slightest area look good, it was very challenging for me who just likes to create stuff and not care about one thing looking weird. But I got lots of great crits on Pixeljoint that helped me wanting to get better.
It also gives you a challenge in choosing few colors that looks good together. Always a good thing for both drawing full pieces or designing characters/objects.
Chibis are good to practice with lots of things without getting to into everything looking 100% naturalistic correct. Its simpler to play around with shorter limbs/bodies.
BUT It will still be hard to make them look right if you dont know anything about anatomy at all. Its just easier to get away with it doing chibified things.
Its also fun to make noncute character look cute! Take animals/creatures that usually look scary or cool and try to turn them cute :D You can also do the opposite, take cute animals and make them scary as hell so your uncle pees himself.
Solid art (not quite pixelart)
Just like my flash drawings just with solid pixel lines instead :D
This is more than a challenge than flash, because you need to make sure the lines look good and not squigglybleh
BUT it gives a clear intresting look! This can also be done in ms paint.
I did this style for years with a mouse because I only drew on Oekaki bbs wich only has this Pixeltool xD So I started out with a hard challenge right away.
Smudgetool (the hated tool of sauce)

Yes mane will tell you not to use the smudgetool because it ruins your art. And 99% of the time they are right. UNLESS you practice with it, you can learn to use it to your advantage.
This picture was made by using smudgetool on 80% of it. Its a fun thing to practice with. dont hate the tools that make things look bad, use them and bend them to your will. You control it!
Dont ever be afraid to try out the things you feel you cant do. With practice you will get a hang of them all. Being able to draw them all is just super great! I still have a long way to go to get to the place I want to be, but thanks to drawing all of them It is easier to get there!
As you can see over, I draw in all kinds of diffrent styles, it has only strengthened me as an artist! Im able to draw lots of things thanks to my hard work and willingness to get better.
Artists may tell you over and over that they want you to draw more this or thar or stop drawing in this or that style. Dont listen, draw for yourself, take in the things that will help you not make you stop doing things. If people tell you that they would like to see you draw something else, try it out! :D its always fun to accept challenges.
I dont even know how many times I get people tell me my simple art looks like it was made in 5 mins and how it doesnt deserve the attention it gets. Ipersonally like my cartoony art better than my semirealism 6 hour paintings, Ive just done it so much more that its super simple for me to do now, and I enjouy it so much :D and im happy that it makes other people happy aswell! so the few people not liking it doesnt even affect me, and dont let it affect you either.
We all improve at our own speed, but drawing so much diffrent totally made me improve like crazy over just a few years.
IF theres any misunderstandings let me know haha~ Had to write this very fast
8D good luck on your artjourney sauce! never avoid challenges! Ill make a diffrent post about poses and so later!
Yay! Thank you so much, this was super interesting!
ReplyDeleteI've experimented a lot with my own style as far as media go, and I think i've finally found that I really like pixeling, pencils, and oil pastels. But. I really want to try out some more stuff and figure out how to make every medium fun and somewhat easy for me.
Now I must see if Adobe Flash came with my computer 8D
;u; you are just so inspiring thank you 8DDDDD